Working with Review Files

To create, view, and maintain review files and their records, you must be assigned permission 018 (Create Lists). Occasionally, you might encounter certain review files that you are not permitted to edit or own because the files are password-protected. In this instance, you must either have the file's owner or your List Administrator (permission 186) provide you with access. In all cases, you must be assigned permission to view the record types within the review file.

To administer files in Create Lists, you must also be assigned permission 186 (Review File List Administrator). As a List Administrator, you can manage the ownership of and access to all review files. See Setting Review File Authorship and Ownership and Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

In Sierra, you can create lists of records called review files. Tasks you can perform on review files include:

Creating a new review file
Using the enhanced query builder
Creating a JSON query
Renaming a review file
Merging review files
Copying a review file
Setting review file authorship and ownership
Viewing review file attributes
Viewing system-generated review files
Working with records listed in a review file