Using Notices: Notes on Functionality

Circulation notices functionality can be affected by circumstances elsewhere in the system. For more information, see the following:

Information printed on notices
When notices are automatically not prepared
Telephone notification functionality
Patrons are not charged for involuntary notice printing

Information Printed on Notices

The system alters the information displayed on notices under the following circumstances:

When Notices Are Automatically Not Prepared

The system does not prepare specific notices under the following circumstances:

Telephone Notification Functionality

If your library has acquired telephone notification (i-tiva or Teleforms), unsuccessful telephone notification notices function as follows:

Patrons Are Not Charged for Involuntary Notice Printing

If your library has configured the system to charge patrons for printing overdue notices, patrons are charged for printed notices if they have chosen printed notices as their preferred means of notification (as specified in the patron record).

The system does not charge patrons for printing overdue notices under the following circumstances:

See also:
Configuring Circulation Notices
Managing Auto Notices
Additional Products and Features for Circulation Notices
Notices, Slips, and Messages
Loan Rules Table
Modifying the Overdue Variables of a Loan Rule