Inserting a Barcode in a Patron's INN-Reach Item

You can insert barcodes for both standard INN-Reach items and Pickup Anywhere for INN-Reach items.

Before an INN-Reach item can be checked in from the owning site, Sierra requires that a barcode be present in the virtual item record at the patron site. If the owning site does not successfully perform an institutional checkout on a requested item (due to process or system error) prior to shipping the item to the patron site, INN-Reach does not transmit the item's barcode to the patron's site for inclusion in the virtual item record. As a result, prior to checking in the item, the patron site must insert a barcode into the virtual item record.

To insert a barcode into the virtual item record:

  1. View the patron's INN-Reach items.
  2. Right-click the item that needs a barcode. Sierra displays an option menu.
  3. Select the Insert Barcode option from the menu. This option is available only if the following is true of the virtual item record:
    • The virtual item's STATUS is either '&' (REQUESTED) or '_'( RE-REQUESTED).
    • The Barcode element in the virtual item record is blank.
    Sierra prompts:

    Key or scan item barcode

  4. Enter or scan the barcode on the item.
  5. Check the box next to the Print holdslip to place in book? prompt if you want to print a hold slip for the item.
  6. Choose the OK button. The system does one of the following:
  • If the system encounters specific conditions, Sierra displays one of the following messages:
    Message   Action
    Cannot insert barcode because item and patron are from the same site.   In response to this prompt:
    1. Choose the OK button.
    2. Check out the item to a remote site. The system converts the INN-Reach request to a local hold.
    3. Check in the item using standard circulation processes.
    Send item to pickup location name   The Locations Served for the staff login does not match the pickup location specified in the INN-Reach hold record. In response to this message:
    1. Choose OK to continue.
    2. Send the item to the specified pickup location.
    The system:
    • Updates the virtual item STATUS to "IN TRANSIT".
    • Adds an "in transit" message to the virtual item. For example:

      Thu 03 Dec 2009 03:17PM: IN TRANSIT from 10900 to 10800

    • Sends a circulation message to the owning site, which causes the system to update the item's STATUS to "OFF-SITE" and inserts the item barcode into the virtual patron record.
    Note that the system does not queue a pickup notice or add the item to the INN-Reach holdshelf until the item is checked in at the correct pickup location.
  • If the system does not encounter one of the above conditions, it:
    1. Adds the barcode to the virtual item record.
    2. Checks the item in and updates the virtual item's STATUS to '#' (RECEIVED).
    3. Prints the hold slip (if you chose to print a hold slip).
    4. Adds the item to the INN-Reach holdshelf.
    5. Queues a pickup notice if your library has enabled hold pickup notices for INN-Reach items.
    6. Sends a circulation message to the owning site, which causes the system to update the item's STATUS to "OFF-SITE".