Routing Slip Data Library

The routing slip data library defines the elements you can use to create custom routing slip print templates. These templates are created in a third-party application (such as Jaspersoft Studio) for use when printing routing slips. See Creating Customized Print Templates for more information.

The table below describes each element in the routing slip data library, as well as the data source for each element.

Element Name Description Data Source
Copy The copy number associated with the issue. This element is required in the routing slip print template. The box on the checkin card for the issue (stored in the CKIN INFO field in the checkin record).
CoverDate The cover date for the issue routed, listed in your library's date format. The box on the checkin card for the issue (stored in the CKIN INFO field in the checkin record).
Email The routee's email address.1 The EMAIL ADDR field in the patron record.
Enumeration The enumeration for the issue. The box on the checkin card for the issue (stored in the CKIN INFO field in the checkin record).
Issn The ISSN for the routed issue. The first i-tagged field in the bibliographic record.
LocationCode The code for the shelving location or branch. The LOCATION field in the checkin record.
LocationDescription The full name for the shelving location or branch corresponding to the location code above. The Branches table.
LongAddress The routee's address. If your library uses patron records for routing, the system uses the ADDRESS field. For routing records, the system uses data from the routing file.
Name The name of the routee. This element is required in the routing slip print template. If your library uses patron records for routing, the system uses the PATRN NAME field. For routing records, the system uses data from the routing file.
PlaceOfPublication The place of publication for the routed issue.2 Subfield a of the PUB INFO field in the bibliographic record. If the record is in the MARC21 format, the system uses the 260 field. If in UniMARC, the system uses the 210 field. If the record is not in either of these formats, the system uses the first p-tagged field.
Publisher The name of the publisher for the routed issue.2 The PUB INFO field in the bibliographic record. If the record is in the MARC21 format, the system uses subfield 'b' of the 260 field. If in UniMARC, the system uses subfield 'c' of the 210 field. If the record is not in either of these formats, the system uses the first p-tagged field.
ShortAddress Short address for the routee. The routing file.
Telephone The routee's telephone number.1 The TELEPHONE field in the patron record.
TitleFirst Title of the routed issue.3 Subfield a of the first t-tagged field in the bibliographic record.
TitleProper Title of the routed issue.3 Subfield a of the TITLE field in the bibliographic record. If the record is in MARC21 format, the system uses the 245 field. If in UniMARC format, the system uses the 200 field. If the record is not in either of these formats, the system uses the first t-tagged field.
TransactionDate The date the issue was checked in. This element is required in the routing slip print template. The box on the checkin card for the issue (stored in the CKIN INFO field in the checkin record).

1These data elements are used only if your library uses patron records for routing.

2The system strips out the last special character (for example, : , ; /) and the preceding space in the subfield.

3The routing slip print template requires the inclusion of either the TitleFirst or the TitleProper element. Note that the title that prints on the routing slip is limited to 27 characters.

See also:
Print Template Data Libraries
Printing with Print Templates
Administering Print Templates Settings