Setting Up My Lists

To set up My Lists, edit your Web options, customizable Web forms, and user messages, as needed.

My Lists Web Options

To enable My Lists in the WebPAC, you must set the MY_LISTS Web option, then configure your other Web options, as needed.

  1. In the Web Options function, select the My Lists group.
  2. Set the MY_LISTS Web option to true.
  3. Modify the other My Lists Web options, as needed.
  4. Define the ICON_SUBMIT Web option.
  5. Select the Search Results Options group.
  6. Comment out or remove the ICON_BOOKCART Web option (if set).
  7. If you offer My Lists functionality on your Book Cart (viewsaves_web.html) customizable Web form (see below), select the Requesting Options group and set the REQUEST_MULTI Web option.
  8. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. When the preview reflects the changes you want, use the Web Options function to move them to your live directory.
  9. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.

My Lists Customizable Forms

To enable My Lists, customize your Book Cart (viewsaves_web.html), Patron Record Display (patronview_web.html), and the brief citation form(s).

  1. Using the Web Master function, edit the viewsaves_web.html file in your staging directory to add the following tokens.

  2. Edit the patronview_web.html file to add the following tokens:

  3. Edit the briefcit.html file to add the <!--{mylists}--> token.
  4. If your library uses Program Registration, edit the briefcit_program.html to add the <!--{mylists}--> token.
  5. If your library uses Electronic Resources Management, edit the briefcit_resource.html to add the <!--{mylists}--> token.
  6. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. When the preview reflects the changes you want, use the Web Master function to copy the files in your live directory.
  7. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.

My Lists User Messages

To customize the system messages that display for users in My Lists, customize the messages.conf file.

  1. In the Web Options function, set the CUSTOM_MESSAGES Web option to true.
  2. Using the Web Master function, edit the messages.conf file to modify the appropriate user message prompts.
  3. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.