Retrieving Routing Records

To view routing records, you must be assigned permission 083 (Routing list maintenance).

To view routing records in the Routing tab, you must be assigned one of the following permissions:

  • 077 (Serials check-in)
  • 088 (Claim overdue issues)
  • 089 (Bind serials)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Routing records are not actually database records composed of fields. They are entries in the routing file.


When you retrieve a routing record in Serials, a list of the serials currently routed to an individual displays. If your library is configured to use patron records for routing, retrieve the patron record to see a list of the serials currently routed to that individual.


In Serials Check-in, Binding, Claiming, To Bindery, and Check In Bound, you must begin the process of adding an individual to a serial's routing list before Serials can offer the option to search for that person's routing record. See Adding Individuals to a Serial's Routing List.

To retrieve a routing record for a serial:

  1. From the Function list, choose a function that retrieves checkin records. See the table of Record Types Accessed by Searches.
  2. Retrieve the checkin record associated with the routing record.
  3. Select the Routing tab.

Searching for Routing Records by Entering Routing Initials

This search method is only available in Routing.

  1. In the Initials box, enter the initials for the individual's routing record.
  2. Choose Search.

    If the routing file contains an entry that exactly matches your search, Serials retrieves and displays that routing record. For a sample screen, see Routing Record Display.

    If there are no matching records, Serials offers a browse display. Note that, since Serials does not allow you to create routing records with duplicate initials, all routing record browse displays are "no-hit" browse displays.
See also:
Retrieving Records
Routing Record Display