Adding Individuals to a Serial's Routing List

To add a person to a serial's routing list:

  1. Choose Serials Checkin from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the bibliographic record for the serial.

If the bibliographic record has more than one attached checkin record, select the desired checkin record from the Summary tab. See Retrieving Item, Order, and Checkin Records for more information.

  1. Click the Routing tab. The current number of routees displays on the Routing tab in parentheses immediately after the checkin record number.
  2. Select the copy you want to route by clicking the copy number:
  3. Choose Add. Sierra opens a record search screen .
  4. Search for the routing or patron record of the individual you want to add to the routing list.

If your search retrieves exactly one record, the system displays that record. Otherwise, select the desired record from the browse display.

When the record is retrieved, the system displays a list of the serials currently routed to the individual.

  1. Choose Use from the display to add the individual to the serial's routing list. Sierra returns you to the routing tab.

Note that an individual can have only one copy of a serial routed to him or her. Sierra displays an error message if you attempt to route more than one copy to the same person.

  1. Choose Close to exit the bibliographic record.
See also:
Specifying an Individual's Position in the Routing List