Specifying an Individual's Position in the Routing List

Sierra adds an individual to the routing list according to the PRIORITY field in the routing or patron record. If you want to specify an individual's position in the routing list, do the following.

  1. Select the initials of a routing record (or the patron name) in the routing list.
  2. Choose Add. Sierra will add the new record immediately before the selected initials or patron name.
  3. Finish adding the individual to the routing list.
See also:
Editing a Serial's Routing List

Priority in Routing Lists

Sierra automatically prioritizes the serial's routing list according to either the patron record or the routing record PRIORITY field.

The larger the number entered in the PRIORITY field, the higher the individual is placed in the routing list, and the sooner he or she will receive the serial. For example, an individual with a PRIORITY of '2' is listed before a person with a PRIORITY of '1'.

If more than one routing or patron record has the same number in the PRIORITY field, the individual that was added to the serial later is automatically listed before earlier records of the same priority.

When adding individuals to a serial's routing list within the Routing tab, you can specify the routing or patron record's position in the list, thus overriding an individual's default priority.

See Routing Record Display for information about the PRIORITY field of a Routing record.