Editing Routing Records

To edit a Routing record, you must be assigned permission 083 (Routing list maintenance). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To edit a routing record (i.e., the routing file entry for an individual):

  1. Choose Routing from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve a routing record.
  3. Choose Edit from the toolbar above the routing record. Sierra opens an Edit Record dialog.

For a description of the fields in a Routing record, see Routing Record Display.

  1. Edit the desired fields. Editing routing file information is similar to modifying variable-length fields. Note that you can enter substitution phrases in the fields. You cannot edit the Journal Count field or the initials.
  2. To print the record, choose Print.
  3. Choose Save to save your changes and close the dialog.
See also:
Entering Substitution Phrases in Variable-Length Fields
Creating and Viewing Substitution Phrases