Using Patron Verification in Research Pro

Your library can restrict access to Research Pro to users with valid accounts. Research Pro can also work with the My Account feature in the WebPAC to allow users logged-in to a My Account session on the library catalog access to Research Pro without further validation.

Innovative Integrated Login

Innovative's Integrated Login allows patrons to authenticate through an application such as My Account, Research Pro, etc. and remain authenticated for other applications. Organizations running Research Pro 1.2 and later and a current Sierra release are automatically installed and configured with Integrated Login.

Integrated Login replaces all patron verification pages (such as MFPVerify.html) with the ipsso.xml or ipsso.html files.

For more information, see Implementing the Innovative Integrated Login Page.

Enabling Patron Verification for Research Pro 1.2 and Later

To enable patron verification in Research Pro 1.2 and later, complete the following steps:

  1. Using the Web Master function, access your Live Web Server Configuration - live directory.
    Directory Name

    The Live Web Server Configuration - live directory displays as liveconfig on certain systems.

  2. Edit the mf.conf file to set the verify element to true.

    You can use service levels to force users outside the library to verify before searching Research Pro while allowing users within the library to access without verification. To limit access by service level, see Limiting Access to Research Pro by Service Level.

  3. Save your changes and quit.
  4. Modify your ipsso.xml or ipsso.html file, as needed.
  5. After you have completed all changes, refresh your Research Pro.
Research Pro and My Account

No further configuration is needed to enable Research Pro 1.2 and later to work with My Account.

Enabling Patron Verification for Research Pro 1.1 and Earlier

To enable patron verification in Research Pro 1.1 and earlier, complete the following steps:

  1. Using the Web Master function, access your Live Web Server Configuration - live directory.
    Directory Name

    The Live Web Server Configuration - live directory displays as liveconfig on certain systems.

  2. Edit the mf.conf file to set the verify element to true.

    You can use service levels to force users outside the library to verify before searching Research Pro while allowing users within the library to access without verification. To limit access by service level, see Limiting Access to Research Pro by Service Level.

  3. Save your changes and quit.
  4. If the second element of the MY_WEBPAC Web option is set to 0, 1, or 2, modify your MFPVerify.html file, as needed. If the second element of the MY_WEBPAC Web option is set to 3, modify your pverify_web.html file, as needed.
  5. After you have completed all changes, refresh your Research Pro.
Patron Verification and the MY_WEBPAC Web option

Research Pro offers users different patron verification forms depending on the setting of the MY_WEBPAC Web option.

  • If the second element of MY_WEBPAC is 0, 1, or 2 Research Pro offers the MFPVerify.html file for patron verification.
  • If the second element of MY_WEBPAC is 3 and the user has not logged in to My Account, Research Pro offers the pverify_web.html file for patron verification.
  • If the second element of MY_WEBPAC is 3 and the user is logged in to My Account, Research Pro does not prompt for patron verification.

For more information, see Research Pro 1.1 and Earlier with My Account.

Research Pro 1.1 and Earlier with My Account

If your library uses the My Account feature in the WebPAC, you can configure your Research Pro to log users into My Account after successfully validating against their patron record. Note that you must enable patron verification in order to offer this feature.

To enable this feature, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Web Options function, select the Patron Record Options group.
  2. Set the second element of the MY_WEBPAC Web option to 3. Research Pro now uses the pverify_web.html file for patron verification.
  3. Restart the WebPAC and refresh your Research Pro.

You can further enhance Research Pro so that users logged-in to My Account can access Research Pro without being prompted for further patron verification by setting the NO_REVERIFY Web option.

  1. In the Web Options function, select the My Account Options group.
  2. Set the NO_REVERIFY Web option to include mfrpro.
  3. Restart the WebPAC and refresh your Research Pro.