Editing PAID Fields

To edit PAID fields, you must be assigned permission 134 (Update order records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can edit the following elements of the PAID field:

  1. Set the Allow edit of payment field in order record Acquisition option to "Yes".
  2. Retrieve the order record.
  3. Change to the Payments tab.
  4. Enter your changes directly in the cells of the table.
Edits to Order Records Do Not Change Invoice Records

Editing the PAID field in an order record does not change the values in the invoice record.

Editing Subscription Dates

The subscription date elements of the PAID field are used by the system to calculate the Cost Per Use statistics in Sierra Electronic Resource Management (ERM). Subscription dates can be added manually during invoicing or automatically during serials invoice processing.

If you edit the data in the subscription date fields, Sierra performs an edit check on these fields when you save your changes. The system displays an error message if one of the subscription fields is left blank or the "from" date falls after the "to" date.


The subscription date fields appear in the PAID field even if your site has not acquired Sierra ERM.

See also:
Deleting PAID Fields
Exporting PAID Fields