Exporting ERM Usage Statistics to a Spreadsheet

To access user statistics for online resources, you must be assigned permission 214 (Update Resource records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To export usage statistics from ERM to a spreadsheet:

  1. Choose Catalog ERM from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the resource record for which you want to export the statistics.
  3. Choose the User Statistics tab.
  4. Specify a date range for the statistics you want to export in the Export Statistics box.
  5. Choose Export. The spreadsheet application opens on your desktop, displaying the report.

    You can save the report by choosing the Save As command in the spreadsheet application.

Elements of Exported Usage Statistics

Resource providers vary in the data they provide for each resource. The spreadsheet displays the data available for each resource.

Information can include the following:

Cost Per Use (CPU)
Annual CPU for each title. CPU is reported only:

For more information, see Calculating Cost Per Use below.

The title as it appears in the resource provider's statistics.
The ISSN from the resource provider's statistics.
Online ISSN
The EISSN from the resource provider's statistics.
Monthly Usage
The usage from the resource provider's statistics.

Calculating Cost Per Use

For this report, cost per use (CPU) is calculated annually only. It is not calculated for any other date range.

Annual CPU is reported for each title. The CPU for a title can be either title-level or resource-level.

The total cost is the sum of the CPU for each title (whether title-level or resource-level).

Dividing the total cost by the total usage yields the total CPU.

The CPU is calculated as follows:

  1. The system calculates "title-level" cost per use by:
    1. Finding an order record that is both:
      • soft-linked to the resource
      • linked to the bibliographic record for a title in the resource
    2. Summing the SUBSCRIPTION subfields in the order record's PAID fields to determine the title-level cost.
    3. Finding the title's usage.
    4. Dividing the cost by the usage.
    5. Assigning the resulting CPU to the title.
  2. When all title-level CPU values have been assigned, the system calculates "resource-level" cost per use by:
    1. Finding order records that are either:
      • linked to the resource
      • soft-linked to the resource and linked to a bibliographic record that does not correspond to a title in the resource
    2. Summing the SUBSCRIPTION subfields in the order record's PAID fields to determine the resource-level cost.
    3. Finding the usage for all titles in the resource that do not have a title-level CPU.
    4. Summing the usage for all titles in the resource that do not have a title-level CPU.
    5. Dividing the resource-level cost by the summed usage.
    6. Assigning the resulting CPU to each title in the resource that does not have a title-level CPU.

The PAID fields used in CPU calculations must have a SUBSCRIPTION subfield that contains a START DATE or END DATE in the same year as resource usage.

If a subscription to a resource starts or ends within the year in which the resource is used, the system prorates the cost for the year.