Saving Notice Parameters

To use the Notices function, you must be assigned permission to generate at least one type of circulation notice. To generate notices for all locations, you must be assigned permission 363 (Send notices for All locations). To create, edit, or prepare auto notice jobs, you must be assigned permission 366 (Auto Notices). For more information, see Permissions Used by Sierra.

If your library has set up the Save Parameters or Auto Notices setting, you can save your selected notice parameters.

To save notice parameters:

  1. Create the notices job and select parameters for the job.
  2. Choose File | Save or File | Save As.
    Saving Parameters Using Different Logins

    When you select notice parameters, the system uses the attributes assigned to your login. If you edit saved parameters that were last modified by someone who uses a different login, Sierra may prompt you to save, even if you did not make any changes. The system displays this prompt to determine whether it should save the attributes assigned to your login.

    For example, if you save parameters that include a printer that is not available to your login, the system prompts you to choose another printer.

  3. Respond to the displayed prompts. Depending on the parameters you selected, the system displays a combination of the following prompts:
  4. To return to the Saved Notices table, choose File | Close. The system displays information about your saved notices jobs in the Saved Notices table.
  5. Continue the process of notices creation by preparing notices.

Prompts Displayed when Saving Notice Jobs

Select Printer

If you have not selected a printer, Sierra prompts you to choose one.

If you enabled auto notices, you cannot save the selected parameters until you choose an email or file save printer. If you enabled auto notices and also chose the Send via FTP option from the Auto Notices Settings pane, you cannot save the selected parameters until you choose a file save printer.

Using the File Save Printer for Auto Notices

If you select a file save printer for an auto notices job, the system stores the file as an auton file. You can view, manage, and print auton files using Data Exchange.

File Name

If you select a file save printer for this notices job, Sierra prompts you to enter the name of the file to which the notices should be saved.

File name:

Enter a file name and choose OK.

The system enables you to save multiple auto notices jobs with the same parameters, including the file name. However, auto notices jobs overwrite other auto notices jobs if the jobs are saved with the same file name and are prepared on the same day.

The system saves auto notices jobs sent to a File Save printer as file name.tYYMMDD.auton; therefore, auto notices jobs with the same file name that are run on the same day do not create unique .auton file names. For example, if the system runs UnsentAutoNotices on February 3, 2011, at 4 a.m. and runs UnsentAutoNotices the same day at 6 a.m., the system saves both auto notices job as UnsentAutoNotices.t110203.auton—and the second UnsentAutoNotices notices job file overwrites the first.

Therefore, unique file names are recommended for auto notices jobs.

Job Name

Sierra prompts you to name the set of selected parameters.

Job name:

Enter a job name and choose OK. You cannot save the selected parameters until you choose a job name.

FTP Information

If you enabled auto notices and chose the Send via FTP option, Sierra first prompts you to choose a file save printer.

  1. Enter a name for the file that is to be sent to the file save printer.

  2. Enter FTP parameters into the Save Job dialog box:
    Job Name
    The job name.
    FTP Site
    IP address of the FTP site.
    FTP Login
    Login used to access the FTP site.
    FTP Password
    Password to access the FTP site.
    FTP Directory
    Directory to which the file should be sent at the FTP site.
    Custom Command (optional)
    Enter any special commands required by the FTP site.
    ASCII (optional)
    By default, the system FTPs files in binary mode. To FTP the file in ascii mode, select this option.

    Optional Parameters

    By default, the system does not display the Custom Command or ASCII option. If you want either of these options enabled, contact Innovative.

  3. To save the notices job and FTP parameters, choose OK.

Continuing the Process of Creating Notices

To continue to create notices that you wish to send immediately, manually prepare notices using the current parameters.

See also:
Viewing and Printing Auto Notices in Data Exchange
Printing in Sierra
Choosing a Printer
Using Circulation Notices
Viewing the Saved Notices Table