Specifying How Notices Are Prepared and Sent

Contact Innovative to enable the Save Parameters or Auto Notices settings or to change the time at which Auto Notices runs.

You can request one of the following settings for preparing and sending circulation notices:

Notices Setting   Associated Functionality
Manual By default, circulation notices use the Manual setting. When the Manual setting is enabled, you must manually enter notice parameters and prepare notices each time you want to send circulation notices.
Save Parameters When the Save Parameters setting is enabled, you can save and reuse notice parameters. However, you still must manually prepare notices each time you want to send circulation notices.
Auto Notices

When the Auto Notices setting is enabled, you can save notice parameters and configure the system to automatically generate notices on library-specified days. On these scheduled days, the system automatically sends all auto notices to individual patron email accounts, generates telephone notification notices, and sends a batch of print notices in one unformatted file to the specified printer.

Notices Setting for LX Starter

If your library uses LX Starter to email notices, Innovative recommends using the Auto Notices setting. When your system is configured with these settings, the notices process works as follows:

  1. Sierra queues the notices based on your library's saved notice parameters.
  2. On the library-specified days, Sierra automatically processes the email notices and sends them to the LX Starter queue. Sierra still generates print and telephone notices according to your library's settings.
  3. LX Starter emails the notices based on the schedule your library specifies in the LX Starter application.

When configuring notices for LX Starter, keep the following in mind:

  • Because notices are queued in both systems, ensure that the schedule for notices in Sierra occurs before the schedule in LX Starter. To check your current auto notices schedule, view the Autonotices log in Sierra's Administration Application.
  • Make sure the Move all Notices to Print option is disabled in jobs for any notice type that is published in LX Starter. Moving notices to print prevents Sierra from emailing any notices, including through LX Starter.
See also:
Configuring Format and Size for Notices
Additional Products and Features for Circulation Notices
Creating Circulation Notices