Viewing Notice History

To view the history of notices your library has sent, you must be assigned permission 58 (Notice History). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has requested that Innovative enable the Notice History feature and your library uses the Save Parameters or Auto Notices setting, you can also view the history of notices your library has sent. Contact Innovative to enable this feature, then assign the Notice History permission.

The system updates the Notice History table when notices are printed and cleared. If one notice job has notices to deliver by multiple methods (for example, email and print), an entry appears in the table for each delivery method. By default, notices are stored for 14 calendar days. When you print and clear notices, the system removes notices that are more than 14 days old. To change the number of days notices are stored, contact Innovative.

In Sierra 6.1 and later, the system writes entries to this table when you print a copy of a bill or generate a bill on demand.

To view notice history:

  1. Select Check Out (Circulation Desk) from the Function list.
  2. From the menu bar, select Tools | Notice History. The system displays the following information about recently sent notices:
    Date Sent
    The date the notice was sent.
    Notice Type
    The notice type(s). You can sort notice types into groups of notice types, but the system does not alphabetize notices within each sorted group.
    The location(s) for which these notices were generated. The system does not sort the Notice History dialog box by location.
    The method by which these notices were sent. You can sort methods into groups of method types, but the system does not alphabetize notices within each sorted group.
    Job Name
    The name assigned to each set of parameters.
    The number of items for which notices are sent using the specified parameters from the Saved Notices table.
See also:
Saving Notice Parameters
Modifying Notice Delivery Preferences