Generating a Bill On Demand

Generating a bill on demand is available in Sierra 6.1 and later.

To generate a bill on demand, you must be assigned permission 361 (Bills). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can generate a bill on demand from the Fines tab of the patron record. This workflow is useful when the patron has reported an item lost and wants to pay for it immediately. After declaring the item lost, you then can generate a bill without having to wait for a notices job to run.

Generating a bill on demand:

If the notices job has already run for the bill, you can print a copy of the bill instead of generating a new one.

To generate a bill on demand:

  1. Retrieve the patron record.
  2. Select the Fines tab.
  3. Select the row containing the lost item charge.
  4. Right-click on the row, and select Reprint Bill from the menu.
  5. If prompted, select a template for the print job, and click Select. (See Print Templates Settings for information on default template settings.)
  6. Select a receipt printer, and click OK. Sierra does the following:
    • Generates and prints the bill.
    • Adds an entry to the Notice History table with a Job Name of "Manual print".