Performing Notices Administrator Functions

When the Notices Administrator feature is enabled, you can do the following when generating notices:

To enable the Notices Administrator feature, contact Innovative. If you want to limit Notices Administrator functionality to a subset of your library's logins, Innovative can enable the feature for certain options groups only. Note that you can enable this feature only if your library has configured either the Save Parameters or Auto Notices setting.

Choosing a Locations Served

By default, library staff can select notice parameters and generate circulation notices for the Locations Served assigned to their logins, all locations, or a single branch location.

When the Notices Administrator feature is enabled, users can generate circulation notices for any of the Locations Served in your system. The first Location option in the notices job parameters screen, which usually displays only the one location served associated with the login, displays a Locations Served drop-down list of all of the locations served in your system. To generate notices for another location, select that location from the drop-down list.

Choosing an Options Group

If your library uses options groups, by default library staff can only generate notices according to the configuration of the options group assigned to their logins.

When the Notices Administrator feature is enabled, users can choose an options group to generate notices. (If your library does not use options groups, this functionality does not affect your system.)

Viewing All Saved Parameters

By default, the system limits the display of saved parameters in the Saved Notices table by the Locations Served associated with the user's login. For more information, see Viewing the Saved Parameters for a Notices Job.

When the Notices Administrator feature is enabled, users can view all saved notice parameters.

See also:
Using Circulation Notices