Accessing the Notices Job Parameters Screen

To use the Notices function, you must be assigned permission to generate at least one type of circulation notice. To generate notices for all locations, you must be assigned permission 363 (Send notices for All locations). To create, edit, or prepare auto notice jobs, you must be assigned permission 366 (Auto Notices). For more information, see Permissions Used by Sierra.

To access the notices job parameters screen:

  1. Follow the steps relevant to the notices setting your library uses:
    Job Parameters Screen Options

    The options displayed on the notices job parameters screen depend on:

  2. Continue the process of creating your notices job by selecting parameters.

Accessing Job Parameters Using the Manual Setting

If your library has configured Notices to use the Manual setting, access the job parameters screen by choosing Notices from the Function list. The notices job parameters screen displays.

Accessing Job Parameters Using the Save Parameters or Auto Notices Setting

If your library has configured Notices to use the Save Parameters or Auto Notices setting, access the job parameters screen as follows:

  1. Choose Notices from the Function list. The Saved Notices table displays.
  2. Access the desired job parameters screen as follows:
    • To start a new notices job, choose the New icon.
    • To modify an existing notices job, select a saved notices job and choose the Edit icon.

The notices job parameters screen displays.

Continuing the Process of Creating Notices

After you access the notices job parameters screen, select the parameters for the notices job you are creating.