Matching Records in the INN-Reach Catalog

Selecting a Record Matching Strategy

Your INN-Reach System selects the strategy that the system uses to match incoming records to existing records. For more information, see Selecting a Record Matching Strategy.

When the INN-Reach Central Server receives a bibliographic record from a Local Server, it performs the following steps to determine if the incoming record matches a master bibliographic record in the INN-Reach Catalog:

  1. Match on the record number
  2. Match on the Primary Match Field
  3. Match on the Secondary Match Fields

By default, the system attempts to match incoming and existing records on the record number. Matching on the Primary Match Field is required. Matching on the Secondary Match Fields is optional.

Depending on the results of matching, the system proceeds as follows:

Match Found

If the INN-Reach Central Server finds a match for the incoming record, the system proceeds to determining whether the incoming or the existing record is the master record. Based on that determination, the system can modify (that is, overlay or split) or delete the matching bibliographic record.

Match Not Found

If the INN-Reach Central Server cannot find a match for the incoming record, it uses the incoming record to add a new master bibliographic record to the INN-Reach Catalog.