Matching Records on the Primary Match Field

INN-Reach requires that your INN-Reach System specify a Primary Match Field for matching incoming and existing records in the INN-Reach Catalog.

To identify a match on a Primary Match Field, the system:

  1. Searches the appropriate index on the INN-Reach Central Server for the value in the incoming record's Primary Match Field. (Your INN-Reach System's choice of Primary Match Field determines which index the system searches.)
  2. (Optional) Performs a comparison of the titles of the incoming record and the existing record.

The system continues to search the index until it finds a record that matches both the incoming record's Primary Match Field and title. If the system finds a record that matches both the incoming record's Primary Match Field and title, the matching record is found.

If the system cannot find a match based on the Primary Match Field or if the system cannot find a record that matches both the incoming record's Primary Match Field and title, the system proceeds based on whether your INN-Reach System has enabled the optional matching on Secondary Match Fields feature:

See also:
Matching Records in the INN-Reach Catalog