Matching Records on Secondary Match Fields

Matching records in the INN-Reach Catalog based on Secondary Match Fields is an optional feature on your INN-Reach Central Server. To have this feature enabled for your INN-Reach System, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

If your INN-Reach System has had matching on Secondary Match Fields enabled, the system attempts to find a matching record by evaluating one or more additional fields when it cannot identify a match based on the Primary Match Field. The fields that the system uses to evaluate the potential matches—and the order in which the system evaluates those fields—depend on how your INN-Reach Catalog is configured:

Standard Secondary Match Fields Functionality

If your INN-Reach System has acquired standard Secondary Match Fields functionality, the system attempts to find a matching record using the following fields in the following order:

  1. ISBN (MARC 020)
  2. ISSN (MARC 022)

Enhanced Match Service for INN-Reach

If your INN-Reach System has acquired the "Enhanced Match Service for INN-Reach" product, the system attempts to find a matching record using system-specific fields in a customized order. For more information, see Matching on a Specific MARC-tagged Field.