Adding an INN-Reach Catalog Record
When adding a new central bibliographic record to the INN-Reach Catalog, INN-Reach:
- Codes the record to indicate which Local Server contributed the record.
- Uses the current date as the value of the CREATED DATE field in the bibliographic record.
- Constructs a LOCAL PAC (MARC 945) field in the bibliographic record.
- Creates an institution record to which the LOCAL PAC field links.
- Takes special actions if an item associated with the record is linked locally to multiple bibliographic records.
The INN-Reach system adds a new central bibliographic record to the INN-Reach Catalog under the following conditions:
- The system finds a match on the incoming record's record number in the 'z' index, but finds different values when it compares the Primary Match Fields and titles of the incoming and existing records. The system splits the incoming record from the master record it previously matched and, if it cannot find any other records in the INN-Reach Catalog that match the split record, adds it as a new central bibliographic record.
- If your INN-Reach System is configured to match on Primary Match Fields only:
- The system does not find a match for the incoming record's Primary Match Field.
- The system finds a match for the incoming record's Primary Match Field, but the titles of the incoming and existing records do not match.
- If your INN-Reach System is configured to match on Secondary Match Fields, in addition to Primary Match Fields:
- The incoming record does not have any of the Secondary Match Fields.
- The incoming record has an ISBN value, but the system does not find a match for that value in the 'i' index.
- The system finds a match for the incoming record's ISBN value, but the titles of the incoming and existing records do not match.
- The system finds a match for the incoming record's ISBN value in the 'i' index, but the MARC 020 fields in the incoming and existing records do not match.
- After finding that ISBN values and titles match, the system verifies the validity of the Primary Match Fields in the incoming and existing records. The system determines that both values are valid, and the Primary Match Fields contain different values.
- The system finds a match for the incoming record's ISSN value, but the titles of the incoming and existing records do not match.
- The system finds a match for the incoming record's ISSN value in the 'i' index, but the MARC 022 fields in the incoming and existing records do not match.
- The system finds a match for the incoming record's ISSN value, but the Primary Match Fields of the incoming and existing records are valid and contain different values.
- The incoming record has an ISSN value, but the system does not find a match for the ISSN value in the 'i' index.
- The system finds a match for the incoming record's MARC-tagged field value in the INN-Reach Central Server index, but the titles of the incoming and existing records do not match.
- The system finds a match for the incoming record's MARC-tagged field value in the INN-Reach Central Server index, but the values of that MARC-tagged field in the incoming and existing records do not match.
- The system finds a match for the incoming record's MARC-tagged field value in the INN-Reach Central Server index, but the Primary Match Fields of the incoming and existing records are valid and contain different values.
- The incoming record has a value in the specified MARC-tagged field, but the system does not find a match for the value in the INN-Reach Central Server index.