Editing a Patron's ILL Requests

To edit the ILL requests associated with a specific patron, regardless of the ILL file in which they are currently stored:

  1. Choose Enter Requests from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the patron record whose ILL requests you want to edit. ILL displays the New Requests tab, which prompts you to select the material type of the item that the patron wants to request.
  3. Switch to the Previous Requests tab. ILL displays the patron's ILL requests. For more information on this display, see ILL Request Display.
  4. Select a request by double-clicking on the request or highlighting the request and selecting the View option from the right-mouse button menu. ILL displays the Edit Request window.
  5. Switch to the Request tab.
  6. Make your changes. You cannot edit every field in an ILL request. For information on which fields you can edit, see Edit ILL Request Display.
  7. When you have finished editing the record, choose Save. If your library has enabled the Update Patron Information in ILL Requests feature, the system can display additional prompts at this point.
  8. Close the window. If you have not already saved your changes, ILL prompts you to save the changes to the record before saving it. When you close the window, ILL returns you to the Request tab.
Additional Actions in the Edit Request Window

ILL opens an Edit Request window that has the appropriate options enabled for that request's current location. For example, if you choose to edit a request that is currently located in the new requests file, you can select the Acquire option. If you choose to edit a request that is currently located in the pending requests file, you cannot select the Acquire option but the Reacquire option would be available. For more information, see Additional Actions When Editing Requests in ILL Files.

In addition, when you open the Edit Request window while using the Enter Requests function, you can create new requests for the patron by copying their cancelled or filled requests. For more information, see Creating ILL Requests from Existing Requests.

See also:
Editing ILL Requests
Editing Requests in ILL Files
Updating Patron Information in ILL Requests
Viewing a Patron Record from an ILL Request