ILL Request Display

When you search for an ILL request, ILL displays your search results in a table format. This table contains columns that are common to all ILL request files, as well as columns which are relevant only to the ILL file you are currently viewing:

Column Description cancelled requests filled requests new requests pending requests returns
Note symbol Also known as the History column. This column displays an "N" symbol if if the request contains a note.
Removed symbol Also known as the Removal column. ILL updates this column with an "X" symbol when you perform an action that removes the request from the ILL file you are currently viewing. For example, if you are viewing requests from the new requests file and you submit an acquisition request for the requested item, the request remains in the table with an "x" value in this column until you refresh the display.
Cancelled The date on which the ILL request was cancelled.        
Filled The date on which the ILL request was filled.        
Processed The date on which the ILL item was acquired.        
Requester The patron who requested the ILL item.
Requested The date on which the ILL request was created.  
Supplier The supplier to whom an acquisition request has been sent.    
Title The title of the requested item.
Type The item type (for example, "BOOK").      
See also:
Edit ILL Request Display