Searching for ILL Requests

To search for an ILL request:

  1. Choose any of the following functions from the Function list:

    Choose:If you want to search:
    New RequestsRequests in the new requests file
    Pending RequestsRequests in the pending requests file
    Process ReturnsRequests in the returns file
    Filled RequestsRequests in the filled requests file
    Cancelled RequestsRequests in the cancelled requests file

  2. Choose an index from the drop-down list. This list also displays the index tag for each index. Note that the All index represents only the Title, Author, and Requester fields. For example, you cannot use the All index to search for a date in the Requested field.
  3. Enter your search criteria in the text box. Note that you do not need to enter the index tag as part of the text. For example, you would enter the author "gaddis," instead of "agaddis."
    How ILL Processes Your Search Criteria

    ILL processes search criteria in a lowercase format. For example, ILL treats the strings "Piers Anthony" and "piers anthony" equivalently. ILL also includes words that contain your search criteria as hits. For example, if you enter "the" as your search criteria, both the words "the" and "weather" register as hits. If you want to prevent ILL from registering words that contain your search criteria as hits, add a space before and after your entry. For example, you might enter " the " not "the".

  4. Press Enter or choose the Search button. ILL displays all the requests that match your search. If no requests match your search, ILL does not display any requests.
  5. Choose Reset to return to the display of all requests in the file.
See also:
ILL Request Display