Receiving ILL Items

When your library receives an ILL item from a supplying library, you must determine the following:

Typically, you can determine this information from the printout that accompanies the ILL item from the supplying library. This printout contains information about the item, requester and supplier (see ILL E-mail Messages). If this documentation does not accompany the item, you can search the pending request file to determine which request the item is meant to fill.

Once you have determined this information, you must do one of the following, as appropriate, to prepare the item for pickup by the patron:

For more information, see How Receiving an ILL Item Works below.

ILL Statistics

ILL keeps track of various ILL statistics based on the dates that requests are filled. ILL uses the date that an ILL request record is transferred to the filled requests file as the date that the request is filled. Therefore, it is important to transfer request records as soon as items are received.

How Receiving an ILL Item Works

Non-returnable Items

When you receive an ILL item that does not need to be returned, ILL moves the request from the pending requests file to filled requests file and removes the virtual item record from the requester's patron record. No further system action is necessary on this item.

Returnable Items

When you receive an ILL item that needs to be returned, ILL does the following:

Additional system action is needed on the request: