Receiving an ILL Item that Needs to Be Returned

To receive an ILL item that must be returned to its supplying institution:

  1. Choose Pending Requests from the Function list.
  2. Select the request. ILL displays the Edit Request window.
  3. Choose the Receive icon or Options | Receive Item. ILL prompts you to specify whether the item needs to be returned to the supplying institution.
  4. Choose the Returnable option.
  5. Select the Next button.
  6. Enter the following information as prompted:
    Assign the item a barcode so that the item can be checked out and checked in. Note that:
    • ILL prompts you to enter a barcode only for the request types specified by your library when setting up ILL.
    • You can use the supplying institution's barcode as the barcode for the item. If the supplying library's barcode pattern differs from your library's own barcode pattern, staff must prepend the item barcode with a 'b' during checkin and checkout.
    Return by
    Enter the date by which the must be returned to the supplying institution. For more information, see Modifying Dates.
    Enter the charge (if any) for the item. ILL uses the item cost for statistical purposes only and does not add a charge to the patron's record.
  7. Choose the Finish button. ILL prompts you to print a pickup notice.
  8. Respond as appropriate:
    • If you do not want to print a pickup notice, choose No.
    • If you want to print a pickup notice, choose Yes. The system generates a pickup notice containing the text specified in the Text Pickup Notice element of the loan rule. If this element is not set, ILL prompts you to select a message.
    The system:
    • Transfers the request to the returns file.
    • Adds an entry to its file of ILL items on the holdshelf.
    • Displays a confirmation dialog, indicating that the item was successfully received.
  9. Choose the OK button to return to the Edit Requests window.
See also:
Receiving ILL Items
Possible Messages (Receiving ILL Items)