Creating ILL Requests from Existing Requests
You can create a new request for a patron by copying one of the patron's existing cancelled or filled requests.
To create a new request from a patron's existing a cancelled or filled request:
- Choose Enter Requests from the Function list.
- Retrieve the patron record whose ILL requests you want to edit. ILL displays the New Requests tab.
- Switch to the Previous Requests tab. ILL displays the patron's ILL requests. For more information on this display, see ILL Request Display.
- Select a request by double-clicking on the request or highlighting the request and selecting the View option from the right-mouse button menu. ILL displays the Edit Request window.
- Switch to the Request tab.
- Choose Options | Copy Request. The system:
- Creates a new request using all non-acquisition information from the selected request.
- Assigns the current date as the Requested date.
- See also:
- Creating ILL Requests