Creating ILL Requests from Existing Requests

You can create a new request for a patron by copying one of the patron's existing cancelled or filled requests.

To create a new request from a patron's existing a cancelled or filled request:

  1. Choose Enter Requests from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the patron record whose ILL requests you want to edit. ILL displays the New Requests tab.
  3. Switch to the Previous Requests tab. ILL displays the patron's ILL requests. For more information on this display, see ILL Request Display.
  4. Select a request by double-clicking on the request or highlighting the request and selecting the View option from the right-mouse button menu. ILL displays the Edit Request window.
  5. Switch to the Request tab.
  6. Choose Options | Copy Request. The system:
    • Creates a new request using all non-acquisition information from the selected request.
    • Assigns the current date as the Requested date.
See also:
Creating ILL Requests