Updating Patron Information in ILL Requests
When a patron places an ILL request, ILL stores patron data in the record of the request in the ILL files. If the Update Patron Information in ILL Requests feature is enabled, your system compares the requester data in the ILL request against the data in the patron record and offers you the option of updating the ILL request data when you are creating or modifying requests for that patron.
To enable this feature for your library, contact Innovative.
If the Update Patron Information in ILL Requests feature is enabled, when you create or modify an ILL request in the new requests, pending requests, or returns files, the system:
- checks the following information in the current ILL request against the data in the patron record:
- checks the patron ID against the verification ID used on the Interlibrary Loan Request Form, if applicable. If the request was not created using WebPAC, the system checks the patron ID against the patron barcode in the patron record.
If any of the data does not match, the system checks whether there are other ILL requests from this patron in new requests, pending requests, and/or returns files:
- If the current request is the only ILL request from this patron, the system prompts you to update the current ILL request with the information in the patron record:The requester information has changed. Would you like to update this request now?
Respond as appropriate:
- To update the current ILL request with the information from the patron record, choose Yes.
- To retain the nonmatching information in the ILL request, choose No.
- If the system finds additional ILL requests from this patron, the system prompts you to update the most recent ILL requests (up to 30) with the information in the patron record:The requester information has changed. There are <number> requests with outdated information. Would you like to update these requests now?
Respond as appropriate:
- To update the patron's additional ILL requests with the information from the patron record, choose Yes.
- To retain the nonmatching information in all the ILL requests (including the current request), choose No.
If there are more than 30 ILL requests from the patron, the system updates the next group of ILL requests (up to 30) when you next create or modify an ILL request for this patron.
The system does not compare updated patron information for ILL requests in the cancelled requests or filled requests files.
Home Library Modifications and Multiple ILL Departments
If your library has set up multiple ILL departments and a patron's home library changes, when you choose Yes to either prompt described above, the system automatically moves the updated ILL request(s) to the ILL department corresponding to the patron's new home library. To access the ILL request(s) after the patron's home library information is updated, you must log into ILL using a login for that ILL department.