Viewing Outstanding Fines

To view fines, you must be assigned permission 94 (View patron record in check-out). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Once a fine has been added to a patron's record, you can view details of the fine in the patron's list of outstanding fines. To view an outstanding fine:

  1. Choose Circulation Desk from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the patron record.
  3. Choose the Fines tab, or, alternately, choose Go | Circulation | Circulation Desk | Fines.
  4. Select the fine you want to view by right-clicking on the fine and choosing View This Fine. The system shows a detailed fine display that can include the following elements, depending on the type of charge and the products and features your library uses:
    The PATRN NAME field from the patron record. To suppress the patron's name from the detailed fine display, contact Innovative.
    Patron Barcode
    The P BARCODE field from the patron record.
    The invoice number for the charge.
    The fine's charge type.
    Call Number
    The CALL # field from the fined item record, or if not present, from the bibliographic record. This element does not display for charges with type Manual.
    The AUTHOR field from the bibliographic record. This element does not display for charges with type Manual.
    The fine's description.
    Item Barcode
    The BARCODE field from the fined item record. This element does not display for charges with type Manual.
    Date Assessed
    The fine's assessed date.
    Date Checked Out
    The date the item was checked out to the fined patron. This element does not display for charges with type Manual.
    Date Due
    The date the item was checked in from the fined patron. This element does not display for charges with type Replacement, Lost, or Manual.
    Date Renewed
    The date the fined patron renewed the item. This element displays for charges with type Overdue Renewal only.
    Date Returned
    The date the item was returned by the fined patron. This element displays for charges with type Overdue, Rental, and OverdueX only.
    Original Patron
    The record number of the patron who earned the fine. This element displays only for fines transferred to organization records.
    Transfer Date
    The date the fine was transferred from the original patron. This element displays only for fines transferred to organization records.
    Item Charge
    The item charge portion of the fine.
    Processing Fee
    The processing fee portion of the fine.
    Billing Fee
    The billing fee portion of the fine.
    The general sales tax portion of the fine.
    The total amount of the fine, including the item charge, processing fee, and billing fee.
    Amount Paid
    The portion of the fine that has already been paid. This element displays only for partially paid fines.
    Amount Due
    The portion of the fine that the patron still owes. This element displays only for partially paid fines.

  5. If desired, you can adjust the amount of the fine or print the detailed fine display.
  6. When you are finished viewing the fine, choose OK or Cancel to return to the patron's Fines tab.
See also:
Collecting Money
Waiving Fines
Viewing Fines Paid
Fining and Penalizing Patrons
Fines Display