Enabling Enriched Data

The term “enriched data” describes a variety of third-party services that enhance a title’s display in the PAC. Depending on your contract with the vendor, the enriched data can consist of a simple book jacket image, or contents, excerpts, reviews, ratings, and other information related to the title. When enabled, enriched data is displayed automatically in both Polaris PowerPAC and Mobile PAC search results.

In Polaris PowerPAC, when the patron clicks the title or the Full Display button for a title in the search results list, the additional information is available in a series of content “drawers” on the title’s product page. You can set the display order of the drawers and whether each is initially expanded or collapsed. See Configuring the PowerPAC Product Page. Reader ratings and reviews may also be displayed. When the patron clicks a link, the selected information is displayed in a lightbox window. For a description of the enriched content display in Mobile PAC, see Title Links: Enriched Content.

You can also display rotating book jackets on the Polaris PowerPAC home page, based on the images supplied by your enriched data vendor, that launch a search for the title. For more information, see Set up rotating book jackets. Book jackets are also featured in content carousels. See Content Carousels on the PowerPAC Portal Page.

Polaris supports enriched data from Baker & Taylor; EBSCO’s NoveList®; Syndetics Solutions (Bowker); Syndetics Unbound; ChiliFresh; OverDrive; and LibraryThing. Polaris Social, a separately licensed product, offers ChiliFresh Connections features integrated in Polaris PowerPAC. See Polaris Social with ChiliFresh Connections.

If you use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to secure the entire PowerPAC site, and you use content from third-party vendors, be aware that your patrons may receive messages about allowing unsecured content. If you think the messages will be a problem, contact your vendors to see if they can use https. If so, you will need to change their URL settings from http to https when you follow the procedures in this unit.

Enriched Data Domains Requiring Port 80/443 Access

If you lock down ports 80 and 443 on your PAC server, be aware that the following domains must be open on the PAC server for these features to work properly on any browser client, including remote access clients:

Feature Domain Port More Setup Information
Baker & Taylor Content Cafe contentcafe2.btol.com 80

Baker & Taylor Enriched Data

ChiliFresh Reviews & Ratings secure.chilifresh.com 443 ChiliFresh Enriched Data
Syndetics Reviews & Ratings www.syndetics.com 80 Syndetics Enriched Data
ChiliFresh Connections


Polaris Social with ChiliFresh Connections

If the PAC browser session is run directly on the PAC server, the following domains must be open for the features to work properly:

Feature Domain Port More Setup Information
Baker & Taylor Cover Images images.bol.com 80

Baker & Taylor Enriched Data

ChiliFresh Cover Images content.chilifresh.com 80 ChiliFresh Enriched Data
LibraryThing Reviews & Ratings ltfl.librarything.com 80 LibraryThing Enriched Data
NoveList Select (Suggestions and More) imageserver.ebscohost.com 80 EBSCO’s NoveList Enriched Data
Syndetics Cover Images www.syndetics.com 80/443 Syndetics Enriched Data
Google Preview www.google.com 80 Google Preview for PowerPAC Search Results
Google Analytics google-analytics.com 80/443 Set up basic operating features for Polaris PowerPAC
Google Maps maps.google.com 80 Map It (Google Maps) in PAC
ChiliFresh Connections


Polaris Social with ChiliFresh Connections

See also: