Mobile PAC Results Settings

From the search results set, users can locate items, see more bibliographic information, and place hold requests. The initial search results display is a list of titles, with format icons and cover images if these are enabled.

You can configure the title information displayed in this view. See Configuring the Mobile PAC Title Display.

By default, five titles are displayed per page, but the user can change this number on the Preferences page. The user can also sort the results list.

The initial search results display also includes links from the 856 MARC tag. The link text is displayed according to the following logic:

If there is text in the 856$z, it displays as a note but not as part of the web link.

Mobile PAC supports integrated eContent. For details on this licensed feature, see EContent Vendors and Polaris.

See also:

Cover Images

Cover images are displayed according to the connection organization’s settings for the content provider in the PAC profile Enriched data. For more information, see Enabling Enriched Data. These settings also affect Polaris PowerPAC.

In Mobile PAC, when cover images are enabled, the user can choose to hide them. The Hide Covers option appears at the bottom of each search results page. This may improve the display on certain mobile phones. When cover images are hidden, the title format (Type of Material, or TOM) is also displayed as text instead of an icon. This setting is saved on the device until the user chooses to display the images again.

Title (Product) Page Links

Users click a title in the search results list to see more choices related to the individual title. The following links may be displayed on the title (product) page:

You can configure the title information displayed in this view. See Configuring the Mobile PAC Title Display.

You can set the order of links on this page. See Set up the Mobile PAC title (product) page.

Title Link: Find It

This link displays summary availability information for items linked to the title. Like other Mobile PAC displays, the list uses the branch Display Name defined in the organization record.

A branch is listed if it is selected for display as a system holding in the Item Availability Display Order policy table for the connection organization, and the branch is the Assigned Branch for at least one item linked to the title. Settings in the Item Availability Display Order policy table also determine the order in which branches are listed. (If at least one item is In at the branch, the summary availability information also includes the word In.) For more information about these settings, which are shared with Polaris PowerPAC, see Setting Up Local and System Availability.

The user can click a branch name to see the call number and other information, if enabled, for that branch’s items. If item-level or first-available-copy requests are enabled, a Request It link is also available.

You can suppress the Find It and Request links for designated types of material. See Suppressing Request and Availability Options.

For more information about placing requests from Mobile PAC, see Title Link: Request It. For information about enabling item-level or first-available-copy requests, see Setting Up Hold and ILL Loan Request Processing.

The connection organization’s settings for the following PAC profiles determine what information is displayed for each item:

These settings also affect Polaris PowerPAC.

For more information, see Displaying PAC Search Results.

Text It in Mobile PAC

From the Mobile PAC item availability display, a patron can send an email text message containing the item call number to his or mobile phone via the mobile phone carrier’s SMTP email service.

When you enable this feature, a Text It link appears for each item in the item availability display for Mobile PAC search results. When the patron clicks Text It, the Text It form opens.

If the user is logged in and the patron record includes a phone number that has been designated for TXT notification, the Mobile phone number and Carrier fields are already filled in. If the user is not logged in, or is logged in but does not have a phone number designated for TXT notification in the patron record, the user enters the mobile phone number and selects a carrier from the list. The carrier options are set in the system-level database table Mobile Phone Carriers. When the patron clicks Send, the text message is sent to the specified mobile phone.

To display the Text It link in Mobile PAC, set the PowerPAC profile Item availability: “Text it” feature enabled to Yes (the default setting). This setting also controls the feature in Polaris PowerPAC. For details, see Sending Call Numbers by Text Message.

Title Link: Details

When the user clicks Details for a title, more bibliographic information is displayed.

The connection organization’s settings for the Mobile PAC profile Title display configure control which bibliographic fields are displayed and their label text. For more information, see Configuring the Mobile PAC Title Display.

Title Link: Request It

The user clicks Request It for a title to place a title-level hold request.

You can suppress the Request It link for designated types of material. See Suppressing Request and Availability Options.

Hold requests from Mobile PAC are enabled from and use the settings in the Holds Options Request parameter. For more information about these settings, see Managing Hold Requests. Rules set for specific patron codes or specific items also apply to Polaris PowerPAC.

When the patron clicks the Request It link, the logon page appears (see Patron Logon Settings for Mobile PAC). After logging in, the patron selects a pickup location from a list of locations. The default location is the patron’s home library (registered branch).

Mobile PAC supports Borrow by Mail requests, and if these are enabled the patron can opt to have the requested item mailed instead of selecting a pick-up location. For more information about Borrow by Mail settings, see Setting Up Borrow by Mail Circulation.

Item-level or first-available-copy requests can be placed from the detailed item availability page (see Title Link: Find It) if these types of requests are enabled in the Holds Options Request parameter.

The patron can then submit the request or cancel it. If the patron selects Submit Request, a hold request is sent to the library and a confirmation message is displayed if the request is successful. (If the request is not successful, the patron is informed that request cannot be placed and is advised to contact the library for more information.)

Title Link: Purchase or Buy It Now

A Purchase link is available in the Title page for a title in Mobile PAC search results. When the user clicks the link, a search is launched for the title in a specified vendor’s Web site. As in Polaris PowerPAC, the purchase transaction takes place on the vendor’s site. For more information, see Setting Up Purchase Links.

Mobile PAC also supports Polaris Bookstore, available by separate contract. Through Polaris Bookstore and Baker & Taylor Inc., your library can establish an online bookstore where patrons can purchase materials at a discount comparable to other major online retailers, and your library receives a portion of the sales as a donation. As in Polaris PowerPAC, if you enable both links, the Buy It Now link is displayed when the title is available at the Bookstore. The Purchase link is displayed when the title is unavailable at the Bookstore and the title has an ISBN. For more information about Polaris Bookstore, see Setting Up Polaris Bookstore.

To enable the Purchase link, Buy It Now link (if you have a contract), or both, use the PAC profile Purchase options. Your settings also apply to Polaris PowerPAC. See Enabling Online Book Purchases.

You can edit the Purchase and Buy It Now link labels using Polaris Language Editor (WebAdmin). The strings IDs are MP_LBL_SEARCH_PURCHASE and MP_LBL_SEARCH_BUY_IT_NOW.

Title Links: Enriched Content

Enriched content from third-party sources is available in Mobile PAC search results, from links in the title (product) page.

If you use NoveList or NoveList Select, and you run Mobile PAC in SSL mode, your NoveList URL must begin with https://.

Mobile PAC shares enriched content settings with Polaris PowerPAC. For more information about setting up enriched data for PAC use, see Enabling Enriched Data.

Title Link: Map It

Using the JavaScript interface provided by Google Maps™, Mobile PAC  offers the Map It feature (also available in PowerPAC), which provides a visual guide to the location of items linked to titles in the patron’s search results list. When you enable this feature, the Mobile PAC Map It link is available to users who have enabled JavaScript on their mobile devices.

When the user clicks Map It in the title product page (full display), a map displays bubble markers for branch locations that have linked items.

The user can place the cursor over a marker bubble to see the branch name, or click the branch marker to see the branch’s address and hours.

When the user clicks Get Directions in the hours window, directions to the branch are available from any address. The user enters the address and clicks Go!. (If the user is logged in, the primary address from the patron record is already filled in for convenience, but it can be changed.)

As in PowerPAC, the Mobile PAC Map It link is displayed for titles whose # system items count in the PAC brief display is greater than 0.

Use the PAC profile Google Maps in Polaris Administration; check the Enable in Mobile PAC box to enable Map It in Mobile PAC. The profile is available at the system, library, and branch levels.

Mobile PAC and PowerPAC share the same geographic center and zoom level settings. For detailed information about these settings, see Map It (Google Maps) in PAC.

When you enable Map It for Mobile PAC, the link is automatically enabled for the Mobile PAC product page and placed by default at the end of the list for the enabled product page categories. You can change the position of the link on the page using the Mobile PAC profile Product Page categories: Configure. See Set up the Mobile PAC title (product) page.

Title Link: Librarian’s (MARC) View

When the user clicks the Librarian’s View link in the Title page for a title in Mobile PAC search results, the MARC record view is displayed.

You can choose to display or suppress the Librarian’s View link with the PowerPAC profile Librarians (MARC) view: Enable. (This profile also affects Polaris PowerPAC). You can edit the Librarian’s View link label using Polaris WebAdmin (Language Editor). The string IDs is MP_LBL_MARCVIEW_LIBRARIAN_VIEW.