Managing Funds

Fund records track the finances for the purchase of library materials and services for the linked fiscal year. You can set up funds for sources of money that are based on fiscal budgets, gifts, grants, donations, and endowments. In addition, you can set up deposit funds to track accounts where you have deposited a certain amount of money with a supplier.

To break funds down into subcategories, you can create subfunds that are linked to the “parent” fund. You can leave the parent fund at zero dollars and allocate money at the subfund level. Or, you can start with a bulk amount in the parent fund and transfer money down to the subfunds. You can clear the Display checkbox on the Fund workform for parent funds so they do not display in fund lists and are not used to purchase materials.

If your library has standing orders or other predictable expenses, you can expend the funds up front so you know your library has the money to cover these costs. You can restrict the use of funds to a specific purpose, and prevent money from being transferred to other funds.

The name of the linked fund (or its alternative name) is displayed on invoice and purchase order workforms, and on selection list line item, purchase order line item, and invoice line item workforms.

You can use options in the Acq Fund Droplist setup profile in Polaris Administration to affect the fund list display as follows:

For more information on this profile, see Specify how funds are displayed in Acquisitions.

Be sure your funds and subfunds are set up properly before any transactions are performed. You cannot delete a fund after money has been allocated, encumbered, or expended. If there are monetary transactions using the fund, it cannot be deleted until the next fiscal year rollover. You can view the fiscal year and its fund hierarchy in the Fiscal Year Explorer. See View the fiscal year and fund hierarchy.

See also:

Fund Transactions

In Polaris Acquisitions, the following types of transactions are posted against funds:

The transactions that occur as a result of the fiscal year rollover process are not covered here. See Managing Fiscal Year Rollovers for information on this automatic process.