Set Fund Encumbrance/Expenditure Limits

You can set limits on encumbrances for line items, orders, and funds as a whole. You can also set limits on expenditures for line items, invoices, funds, and overexpenditures.

When the fund limits are at $0.00, and you add the beginning allocation or transfer an amount into the fund, the limits are updated with the allocated amount. You can change the fund limits after the beginning allocation. If you update the fund limits manually before you enter the beginning allocation, the fund limit amounts remain as you set them.

To set the encumbrance and expenditure limits for the fund:

  1. Open the Fund workform.

    Tip: fundbalbut.gif
    Click to display the Fund Balances view.

  2. Select View > Fund Balances on the Fund workform.

    The Fund Balances view appears.


  3. Type the dollar amounts for the encumbrance limits in the following boxes:
    • Line item cannot exceed
    • Orders cannot exceed
    • Fund cannot exceed

    If the fund is a deposit account A deposit account is an account with a vendor that allows customers to pay all or a portion of the estimated annual billing in advance. Depending on the amount prepaid, the typical discount is from 1.5% to 4.5% more than with a regular plan, where invoices are paid after the receipt of titles., you cannot set encumbrance limits.

  4. Type the dollar amounts for the expenditure limits in the following boxes:
    • Line item cannot exceed
    • Invoices cannot exceed
    • Fund cannot exceed
    • Overexpenditure allowance

    If the fund is a deposit account, you cannot set an overexpenditure allowance.

  5. To enter a note regarding the fund balances, type it in the General box.
  6. Select File > Save to save the record.

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