Create a Fund

To create a new fund from the New dialog box:

You can also create a fund directly from the Fiscal Year workform by selecting Tools > CreateFund.

  1. Select File > New from the Polaris Shortcut Bar.

    The New dialog box opens.

  2. Select Fund in the Objects box, and click OK.

    The Fund workform opens.


    You can name your funds to include a group name, and then name subcategories under the group, for example General Fund - Adult, General Fund - Children’s.

    The alternate name can be a short form of the working name, an abbreviation, popular name, or the former name of the fund.

    Fund names also appear on vouchers. See Print one or multiple vouchers.

  3. Type a working name for the fund in the Name box and a unique alternate name in the Alternative name box.

    By default, both the fund name and alternate name display for each fund in the Fund list box on various Acquisitions workforms. To shorten this list by displaying one or the other, use the Acq Fund Droplist setup profile in Polaris Administration. See Specify how funds are displayed in Acquisitions.

  4. To allow transfers of money from this fund to other funds, select the Transfers checkbox.
  5. Select the fund type in the Fund type box.

    If you choose a fund type of Donation, you must enter the individual donor’s last name and first name, or the name of the donating organization, on the Donation view of the Fund workform. See Add donor information to a fund.

  6. Select the fiscal year to which you want to link this fund in the Fiscal year box.
  7. Select the library that owns or controls the fund in the Owner box.
  8. Type the name of the fund in the External name box. This is the name by which the organization (shown in the Source box) refers to this fund.
  9. Type the name of the organization that supplies the money for this fund in the Source box.

    If you are creating a parent fund with subfunds under it, you may want to prevent the parent fund from being selected for purchases by clearing the Display checkbox.

  10.  If you do not want the fund to display in the list of funds in selection list line items, purchase order line items, or invoice line items, clear the Display checkbox.
  11. Assign the beginning allocation for the fund. See Assign the beginning allocation for a fund.
  12. To set limits on fund encumbrances/expenditures, see Set fund encumbrance/expenditure limits.
  13. Select File > Save to save the fund.

A message informs you if Polaris detects a duplicate fund name for the same fiscal period. Click OK, and rename the fund.

Related Information

Add a subfund