Add Donor Information to a Fund

You can set up a donor fund to track purchases using donated funds. To add donor information to a fund:

When you release a purchase order that uses a donor fund and create on-order items, the donor information is copied to the Source and Acquisition view of the Item Record workform. When you pay for the order, the donor funds and the items that were purchased using the donor funds are listed in the Items by Donor Fund Report. See Acquisitions Reports.

  1. Open the Fund workform - Donor view.

    Tip: funddonbut.gif
    Click to display the Fund Balances view.


  2. Select Donation in the Fund type box if the fund type is Donation.
  3. Select the type of donation in the Fund category box.

    Fund categories are defined in Polaris Administration.

  4. Select the date when the fund is renewed in the Renewal date box. See Using Date Pickers.

    You can search for a donor fund by first name, last name, or organization name. You can search for purchase order line items and invoice line items by donor name, if they are linked to a donor fund.

  5. If the donor is an individual, type the person’s name in the First name, Middle (initial), and Last name boxes.
  6. If the donor is an organization, type the organization’s name in the Donor organization box.
  7. Type the donor’s address in the Address 1 box. If you need more room for the address, continue typing in the Address 2 box.
  8. Type the postal code in the Postal Code box.

    If you enter a valid postal code, the City, State, and County boxes are automatically filled in.

  9. If you did not enter a valid postal code, type the donor’s city, state, and county in the City, State, and County boxes.
  10. Select the donor’s country in the Country box.
  11. Type the contact information for the donor in the Phone, Fax, and Email boxes.
  12. Select File > Save to save the record.

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