Acquisitions Reports

To access Acquisitions reports, select Utilities from the Polaris Shortcut Bar, and select Reports and Notices, Acquisitions.

If your library supports more than one fiscal year hierarchy for the same collection, the report should be run for each fiscal year hierarchy.

Suppliers are listed on the report if they are linked to:

  • Purchase order line items for which amounts have been encumbered in funds linked to the selected fiscal year.
  • Invoice line items for which amounts have been expended from funds linked to the selected fiscal year.

To run the report, select a single branch or all branches (you cannot select multiple branches) under Parameters. The fiscal year records for the selected branch (or all branches) are listed. Then, select a fiscal year from the list, and press Enter or click Submit.

The Holds Purchase Alert Circulation report is useful in making purchasing decisions because it lists titles that are requested frequently, but have too few items to meet the demand. To generate the report, select the Utilities menu from the Polaris Shortcut Bar. Then select Reports and Notices, Circulation, Holds, Holds Purchase Alert. For more information, see Circulation Reports.