Purchase Orders Using the Multi-Titles Format

To enable Multi-Title format for purchase orders, see the PO printing format Acquisitions Option.

The Multi-Title format allows you to print multiple titles on a single purchase order. Consequently, the layout of this format differs greatly from the traditional purchase orders that list a single title per purchase order. See Printing Multiple-Title Purchase Orders for information on how orders are grouped using the Multi-Title format.

For details regarding what information is included on traditional purchase orders, see Fields to print on Purchase Order form.

Purchase orders using the Multi-Title format can be broken down into the following sections:

Header Section

The header section of the purchase order contains the following information:

Purchase Order No. The blanket purchase order number from the BLANKET PO field in the order records. If there is no blanket purchase number associated with these orders, this element is blank.
Account No. The vendor's account number from the ACCTNUM field in the vendor record.
Order Date The date the purchase order is printed.
Page <x> of <x> Pagination for the purchase order.
Bill To The billing location (bill-to address) from the BLOC field of the first order record on the purchase order.
Ship to The receiving location (ship-to address) from the RLOC field of the first order record on the purchase order.
Library SAN The Library SAN from the Library SAN File.
Plan No. Not currently used.
General Instructions The message from the VENDOR MSG field in the vendor record.

Title-Level Section

The title-level section consists of a table listing the individual orders and associated details for each title. This table has the following columns:

Item A count of the number of orders printed on the purchase order.
Order NO. The order record number.
ISBN The ISBN from the PO INFO field in the order record.
Title/Description A series of bibliographic and order record fields. Your library can customize this element using the 1 > Top section or Title/Description of multi-title setting of the Fields to print on Purchase Order form Acquisitions option.
Qty The quantity ordered of the title.
EPrice The estimated price from the EPRICE field in the order record.
Subtotal The quantity ordered of the title multiplied by the EPrice.

Footer Section

The footer section consists of the following elements: