View Menu

Use the options in the View menu to set the following Sierra components for the current session. To set defaults for these components for a login, use the View tab in Preferences.

The View menu contains some or all of the following options:

View the ASRS message log for a patron record.
Automatic URL Checker Report
Displays the Automatic URL Checker Report in the URL Checker function.
Displays the FTP processes in the FTP Client window (see Transferring Files Using FTP).
Edit Record
Displays the record in the edit function.
Error Types
Displays a list of possible error types for URL reporting. The list shows the error type and the quantity of that error type found by URL Checker in the report that displays. Check/uncheck errors you want excluded/included from the report display.
Displays the fund record associated with the current order record. If there is more than one fund associated with the record, choose the fund field; from the multi-field editor that displays, you can choose the fund record to display.
Interactive URL Checker Report
Display the Interactive URL Checker Report in the URL Checker function.
Public Display
Launches the WebPAC or Encore and displays the bibliographic record you are viewing or editing as it will appear to the public. See Viewing the Public Display of a Bibliographic Record for more information.
Put fields in record sequence
When creating or editing a template, puts fields in MARC order sequence.
Query Panel
Use the query panel to enter your search strings. You can determine whether the system displays this panel.
Depending on the current function, the View menu offers you the following options:
Displays the full patron record in view-only function if you are assigned permission 161 (View patron records).
Bibliographic (or BIBLIOGRAPHIC record)
Displays the full bibliographic record in view-only mode.
Displays the full item record in view-only mode.
Displays a dialog with the current patron's MESSAGES. This menu option is active when you are displaying a patron record that has messages.
View Fine
Displays a dialog with the fine detail information.
View Hold
Displays a dialog with the hold detail information.
Refreshes the display.
Record View Properties
Opens a dialog box enabling you to choose the default view for retrieved records (by record type), as well as the type of attached records to display in summary view. You can apply the Record View Properties settings for the current session. You can save these settings as the defaults if the Login can edit preferences setup option is enabled for your login. See Setting Record View Properties for more information.
Selects the session you have highlighted in the Choose a Session table for invoice processing.
Show Bib/Invoice
The related bibliographic or invoice record in view-only mode.
Show Codes
When Show Codes is selected, special characters in a record display as Unicode values. For more information, see Diacritics and Special Characters.
The toolbar is located below the menu bar along the top right of the Sierra window. You can determine whether the toolbar appears at all, and if it does appear, whether it displays text only, images and text, or images only.
Table Tooltips
If a table cell's data is truncated to fit into the cell and you have Table Tooltips enabled, positioning the cursor over the cell allows you to see the full contents of the table cell's data.

If you have Table Tooltips enabled, Sierra displays the keyboard shortcut for components that you pass over with the mouse.

Displays the vendor record associated with the current order record. If there is more than one vendor associated with the record, choose the vendor field; from the multi-field editor that displays, you can choose the vendor record to display.
View Log
If you are in Circulation's Transfer Paged Items function and your library has the Automated Transfer of Paged Items feature enabled, choose View Log to view the Automated Transfer of Paged Items Log.