Previewing the Public Display of Bibliographic Records

When you view or edit a bibliographic record, you can preview how it will display to the public in the WebPAC, Encore, or Vega (depending on how your system is configured).

To preview a record in the public display:

  1. Retrieve a bibliographic record.
  2. In either the summary display or the edit display of the bibliographic record, select View | Public Display. Sierra launches WebPAC, Encore, or Vega and displays the record.

Previewing Records in the WebPAC and Encore

If you edited the bibliographic record but have not yet saved your changes, Sierra creates a mocked-up version of the record (mockbib) in which the hyperlinks might not work correctly. A message appears at the top of the page, indicating that the record is a mocked-up version. You can customize the text of this message using the MILCAT_PUB_VIEW Web option.

If you edited the bibliographic record and saved those changes, Sierra displays the real record in which all of the links work correctly.

WebPAC Ports

Sierra launches WebPAC sessions on port 80 by default. If your library's WebPAC runs on a different port, or if you have multiple ports you would like to choose from, contact Innovative to make these changes to your system. If multiple ports are available, the ports appear in a submenu beneath the View | Public View menu option.

Previewing Records in Vega

Previewing records in Vega is available in Sierra 5.5 and later. Contact Innovative to enable this feature.

If your library uses Vega, you can preview bibliographic records as they would appear in Vega Discover. If the record is suppressed from public display or you have not yet published a new record to Vega, Vega returns a 404 error message. Edits to existing records do not appear in the preview until your library imports the MARC data into Vega. In this case, Vega displays the previous version of the record.