Setting Record View Properties

The Record View Properties dialog box enables you to specify how the SDA displays records. When changing Record View Properties, you can choose to apply the settings for the current session only or save the new settings as the default for all subsequent sessions of the current login.

The Record View Properties menu option appears only when you are in a Sierra function that enables you to search the database and retrieve records, such as Catalog, Program Management, Search/Holds, and so forth.

To set Record View Properties:

  1. From the SDA menu bar, choose View | Record View Properties. The Record View Properties dialog box appears.
  1. Select a record type from the Record type drop-down list. (The available record types vary by Sierra functions and system settings.)
  2. Select your view preferences from the available options. (The available options vary by record type.)
  3. Choose Apply, Save, or Quit:
    • Apply - Applies your choices to the current session only. The next time you log in, the existing default settings apply.
    • Save - Applies your choices to the current session and saves them as the new default for your login. (The Login can edit preferences Setup option must be enabled for your login.)
    • Quit - Discards your choices and closes the dialog box.