Resource Record Display

To work with resource records, you must be assigned the following permissions:

  • 211 (View Resource records)
  • 212 (Create Resource records)
  • 214 (Update Resource records)
  • 215 (Delete Resource records)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

When you highlight a resource record in a browse display, the application displays the resource record information in the top portion of the window. When you Select the record, the system displays a summary view of the record.

In the summary view, you can choose to view associated records by selecting the record type from the View drop-down list, and then choosing the record from the browse display. For information about records that can be associated with a resource record, see one of the following:

When you choose to View or Edit the resource record, the system displays the full record view with the fixed-length fields in the top of the window and the variable-length fields in the bottom.

See also:
Creating and Maintaining Records in ERM
Fixed-length Fields in Resource Records
Variable-length Fields in Resource Records
Maintaining Records