Order Record Display

To view order records in the Record tab, you must be assigned permission 131 (View order records). To edit order records, you must be assigned permission 134 (Update order records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

When you view or edit an order record, Sierra displays the order in the bibliographic information Record tab.

Sierra displays the fixed- and variable-length fields in the upper and lower portions of the window, respectively.

The following options appear above the fixed-length fields:

Queue P.O.
Queues a purchase order
View Finances
Previews the Financial Report

Payments Tab

The Payments tab contains the payment(s) for the selected order record. The total number of copies for the order record and the total paid for the order record appear in the lower right corner. PAID fields appear in this tab in reverse chronological order (that is, the most recent date first) by Paid Date.

The Payments tab is the only place where you can edit an order record's PAID field.

Receive Tab

The Receive tab enables you to receive orders and create items. The Receive tab appears in the Receive function and is not shown above.

Selection List Tab

The Selection List tab contains selection list information for any STATUS '1' orders.

This tab appears only when the Show Selection List option is checked in the New Records tab of the Settings options.

See also:
Editing Records