Course Record Display

To view course records in Acquisitions, Cataloging, and Serials, you must be assigned permission 171 (View course records). To view course records in Circulation, you must be assigned permissions 48 (Course reserves) and 171 (View course records). To view course records in Acquisitions, you must view the records in a review file. To change a record's status, add an item to a course, or remove an item from a course, you must be assigned permissions 124 (Update item records) and 174 (Update course records).

Sierra displays course records in one of two formats:

Attached Records Display

Typically, when you retrieve a course record, Sierra displays the item and bibliographic records that are attached to the course record.

You can perform the following actions from this display:

Add Items or Bib
Add items or bibliographic records to the course.
Remove Items or Bibs
Remove items or bibliographic records from the course.
Change Status
Change the active/inactive status of a record attached to the course.

Viewing & Editing Display

When you view or edit a course record, Sierra lists the fixed- and variable-length fields in the upper and lower portions of the window, respectively.

See also:
Course Reserves
Maintaining Records
Opening Records in the Editor
Record Displays
Retrieving Course Records