Changing a Record's Reserve Status

To use Course Reserves, you must be assigned permissions 48 (Course reserves) and 171 (View course records). To change a record's status, you must be assigned permissions 124 (Update item records) and 174 (Update course records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Changing a record's reserve status changes the value of its Item status setting. Setting it to Active displays the record in the course reserve list in the WebPAC. Setting it to Inactive hides the record.

Changing a record's reserve status to Inactive is useful when you want to preserve the record's relationship with the course. For example, you might need an item on a course reserve list when the course is offered, but the course is offered one semester per year. Changing the item's reserve status as needed lets the item circulate normally and returns it to the course reserve list when appropriate.

For more information, see:

Changing a Record's Status from the Reserve Record

To change the status of one or more bibliographic or item records attached to a course:

  1. Select Course Reserves from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the course whose bibliographic or item records you want to change.
  3. Select the records to change.
  4. Select Change Status.

    The Course Reserve Setting dialog box appears.

  5. Change the record's status and other course reserve settings as desired.

    If you set the status to Inactive, you can't change the location or item type at the same time. The changes to the location or item type are not saved.

    When you have finished changing the record's status, the system updates each affected record, then changes the value in each record's Status column.

Changing a Group of Records Whose Status Should Change

To change the status of a group of records that are eligible to have their status updated:

  1. List records whose status should change.
  2. Select the bibs or items whose status to change.
  3. Select Change Status.

    The Course Reserve Setting dialog box appears.

  4. Change the record's status and other course reserve settings as desired.

    If you set the status to Inactive, you can't change the location or item type at the same time. The changes to the location or item type are not saved.

    When you have finished changing the records' status, the system updates each affected record, then changes the value in the Active Until or Inactive Until column to "Activated" or "Inactivated."

See also:
Possible Messages (Changing a Record's Reserve Status)