Listing Records Whose Reserve Status Should Change

To use Course Reserves, you must be assigned permissions 48 (Course Reserves) and 171 (View course records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can use the Records whose status should change option in Course Reserves to identify item and bibliographic records that are ready for a change in reserve status (that is, records whose active/inactive until date has passed). To list records whose status should change, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
  2. Choose Options | Records whose status should change.
  3. Select parameters for the records you want to list:
    1. Choose Range of course record numbers to list records attached to a range of course records, or Boolean Review File to select a review file of course records
    2. Under the Current Item Status option, select Active to view records currently on active reserve or Inactive to view records currently on inactive reserve.
    3. Under the Records whose status should change option, use the After and Before boxes to specify the earliest and latest possible Active Until dates you want to change. To specify a single day, enter the same date in both boxes. (For information on entering dates, see Modifying Dates.)
  4. Choose Search to display the records that match the criteria you specified. The system displays the following information about each matching item and bibliographic record:
    The name of the course to which the record is assigned, from the COURSE variable-length field in the course record.
    Active Until or Inactive Until
    The record's Active Until or Inactive Until date.
    Call Number
    The record's call number, from the CALL # field in the item record, or for bibs on reserve, the CALL # field in the bibliographic record.
    The location to which the item belongs, from the LOCATION fixed-length field in the item record. For bibs on reserve, this column is blank.
    The bib or item's record number.
    The title of the record, from the TITLE variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
  5. You can perform the following tasks for the displayed records:
    • View a selected record by choosing View | Item or View | Bibliographic, or choose the View icon.
    • Print the table by choosing Print Table (Standard Printer) or choose the Print icon.
    • Change the status of the selected records.
  6. When you are finished, choose File | Close or the Close icon to return to the previous screen.