Determining the Pickup Location for WebPAC Requests

The REQUEST Web option controls this behavior in the WebPAC (this option also controls the choice of item). You can set the Pickup Location element of this option to one of the following values:


The pickup location is taken from the LOCATION field in the item record or from the checkin location if the item is a journal article.

Item Home Pickup

For non-INN-Reach items, if the HOMEPICKUP element of the loan rule is set to 'y', the WebPAC will not allow you to specify a pickup location. Instead, the WebPAC automatically sets the pickup location to match the item's owning location.


The patron's home library is the pickup location. Patron verification must be turned on for this setting.


Ask the patron to specify the pickup location.

If the Pickup Location element is set to ask, a drop-down list appears on the patron identification form, allowing specification of the location.

If the patron is logged in to My Account:


If the HOMEPICKUP element of the loanrule is set to 'Y', the pickup location is determined by the value in the location field in the item record. If the HOMEPICKUP element of the loan rule is set to 'N', the WebPAC offers a drop-down list of pickup locations with the following conditions:

See the description of the REQUEST option for information on setting this option's value. Also see the descriptions of the related options REQUEST_ARTICLE_IFCHKIN and REQUEST_INSTRUCTION.