Setting Up Community Reviews


Your library must use the Bibliographic Record Display Web form (bib_display.html) to use the Community Reviews product.

To set up Community Reviews in WebPAC Pro, edit your Web options, customizable Web forms, and Style Sheet Classes, as needed.

Community Reviews Web Options

To enable Community Review, you must set the PATREVIEW Web option.

  1. In the Web Options function, select the Community Reviews group.
  2. Set the PATREVIEW Web option.
  3. Modify your other Web options in your staging directory, as needed. Review the Community Reviews Options and Community Manager Options groups for lists of appropriate options.

    To view Community Manager options in the Web Options function, you must select the Community Manager group.
  4. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. When the preview reflects the changes you want, use the Web Options function to move them to your live directory.
  5. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.

Community Reviews Customizable Forms

To modify the display of Web pages for Community Reviews, edit your customizable forms.

  1. The following customizable forms control the display of Community Reviews:

    If you do not currently have customizable forms in place, you can download the latest examples from CSDirect.

    Your WebPAC must include a customized Bibliographic Record Display Web form (bib_display.html) containing a <!--{patronreviews}--> token to display the Add a Review link for Community Reviews.

  2. Using the Web Master function, upload the forms to your Innovative server, as needed.
  3. Using the Web Master function, edit any of the following files in your staging directory, as needed.
  4. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. When the preview reflects the changes you want, use the Web Master function to move them to your live directory.
  5. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.

Community Reviews Style Sheet Classes

To use style sheet classes, you must set the STYLESHEET Web option.

  1. If you do not currently have the latest stylesheet file in place, download the file in the latest WebPAC example set on CSDirect.
  2. Using the Web Master function, upload the stylesheet to your Innovative server.
  3. Using the Web Master function, modify your stylesheet in your staging directory, as needed. Review Bibliographic Display Classes for a list of styles that control Community Reviews.
  4. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. When the preview reflects the changes you want, use the Web Master function to move them to your live directory.
  5. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.