Creating Item Records for Serials Issues

In Serials, you can create item records for issues, supplements, and indexes that you have previously checked in. In order to create an item record, the checkin card box must have a Status of "ARRIVED", and the box cannot already have item records for each checked-in piece.

To create item records in this manner, you must be assigned the following permissions:

  • 122 (Create item records)
  • 077 (Serials checkin)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

  1. Choose Serials Checkin from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the checkin card, and select the box for which you want to create an item record.
  3. Choose Tools | Box Menu | Create Item for Box.
  4. If the serial has multiple copies, enter the copy number of the copy for which you want to create an item record.
  5. Follow the steps described in Entering Data into New Records.

See also:
New Records Settings
Creating Item Records during Serials Check-in
Duplicate Checking
Managing Templates for New Records
Variable-length Fields
Fixed-length Fields