Viewing and Editing Registrations

To view patron records, you must be assigned permission 161 (View patron records). To view program records, you must be assigned permission 751 (View program records). To edit registrations, you must be assigned permission 770 (Registration Management). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

In Program Registration, you can view registrations for a patron or for a specific section of a program. You can also edit a registration (or waitlist entry) from either the patron or section record.

In addition to accessing registrations in Program Registration, patrons can view and cancel the programs for which they are registered via the WebPAC.

Viewing Registrations from the Patron Record

To view the programs for which a patron has registered from the patron record:

  1. Choose Registration Desk from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the patron record. The system displays the patron record and the list of programs and sections for which the patron is registered or waitlisted.
  3. (Optional) To see past registrations for the patron, select the box next to the Include Past Programs option. The system displays past registrations in the same list with the current registrations.

Viewing Registrations from the Section Record

To view the patrons who have registered for a section of a program:

  1. Choose Program Management from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the section record for which you want to view registrations.
  3. Choose the Register tab to view the list of registered patrons or choose the Waitlist tab to view the list of waitlisted patrons.

Editing Registrations

You can edit a registration (including entries on the Waitlist tab) at any time after it is created. For example, you can edit a registration at a later date to record a payment for a program, to add a registration note, and so on.

To edit a registration:

  1. Find the registration you want to edit from either the patron or section record, as described above.
  2. Select the row in table for the registration you want to edit and choose Modify. The Modify dialog displays.
  3. Click in each field you want to edit and enter your changes. You can edit the information in any field except Status and Cost. The registration and payment notes can each contain up to 100 characters; however, do not use the pipe (|) character.
  4. When you are finished editing the registration, choose Confirm to save your changes or Cancel to quit without saving your changes.
See also:
Transferring Patrons to Another Section
Cancelling Registrations
Registering Patrons
Tracking Attendance